New Art Project ‘Walls for Justice’ Helps Boarded-Up Stores Spread Positivity June 11, 2020 This new public art initiative spreads beauty, but is also a way for business owners to express their solidarity with the community. READ MORE
With Philly Entering Yellow Phase, Parks on Tap Returns with Social Distancing June 11, 2020 Grab a beer—and your mask—because this kid-friendly outdoor beer garden Parks on Tap is making it happen. READ MORE
Five Black Philly Artists We Love—and Would Love to See Replace the Rizzo Mural June 3, 2020 Black Lives Matter, and our public art can help change the story. READ MORE
PHS Fights Food Insecurity with New ‘Harvest 2020’ Initiative: Here’s How You Can Help May 28, 2020 Garden for the greater good, and help combat hunger in Philly. READ MORE
Happy Hour at Home! Where To Pickup Adult Beverages in Quarantine May 14, 2020 After a long week (or day) of parenting in quarantine, many of us could use a drink (or two). READ MORE
Paddle Penn’s Landing…From Home! May 7, 2020 Independence Seaport Museum invites you to have some creative fun at home, and win tickets to Paddle Penn's Landing! READ MORE
Quarantine Queen: Celebrate Mother’s Day in Style (and From Home) With our Picks! May 4, 2020 Treat yourself (and the other special ladies in your life) with treats, gifts, drinks, and more! READ MORE
An Extraordinary Pace: One Gifted Student’s Journey at PA Cyber May 4, 2020 "I can work at a faster pace than others and I learn at a higher level than others my age.” READ MORE
Quarantine Activity: Philly Artwalk April 24, 2020 Murals, sculpture, street installations-- the whole city is one big art museum! READ MORE
From Yoga Class to ‘Trolls,’ Making the Most of Quarantine and Family Time with Xfinity April 14, 2020 COVID-19 has changed how we learn, work, and play. Xfinity is making that easier. READ MORE