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Philadelphia Family’s Best for Families Marketing Toolkit for Business & Nonprofit Leaders

Start here if you'd like your business or nonprofit organization to be recognized as a Philadelphia Family LOVE Award Winner or Family Favorite Honoree.

The Philadelphia Family LOVE Award Winners and Family Favorite Honorees are nominated and selected based on trusted recommendations from our friends and neighbors in the Philly Family Community. Each year since 2015, our team has encouraged local parents to nominate the local resources they know and trust who deserve recognition for their outstanding service and dedication to the community. 

We differentiate from other local “Best of” awards by asking our readers to include an endorsement or testimonial of their experiences in the last year as “nominations” and “votes.” We want to know who they “LOVE” and how they went above and beyond to serve their neighbors and families. These nominations are collected through a ballot form on our websites and endorsements on our Members’ Profile Pages.

A Collaborative Campaign Opportunity to Promote Your Organization

THERE IS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO BE RECOGNIZED AS A LOVE AWARD WINNER OR FAMILY FAVORITE HONOREE. All businesses and nonprofit organizations who wish to be recognized are invited to join our village of Community Builders as Members, but we welcome all organizations who serve local parents and their families to participate. (If you do not wish to join as a Main Line Parent Member but would like to be nominated, send your favorite clients to our LOVE Awards and Family Favorites Ballot.)

The easiest way to make encouraging LOVE Award and Family Favorite Nominations a collaborative marketing campaign is to tag @PhillyFamilyMag on Instagram when you encourage your favorite clients to nominate you and we will reshare it to our stories! (We have designed Canva templates and promotional graphics for your use, which are linked below.) When you promote nominations in your email newsletter, cc info@familyfocus.org to keep us in the loop.

Best for Families Marketing Toolkit:

Founder & CEO, Family Focus Media | Creator for Main Line Parent, Philadelphia Family, & Bucks County Parent | Connect with me on Instagram @sarahbondfocus or email sarah@familyfocus.org.