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Message from a Philly Dad: You Are Doing Great

Do your own thing. You being you is what is needed right now.

Hello everyone… some things to think about as we go through this together.


Don’t forget the importance of self-care and managing your inner dialogue. This is new. This is hard. And you are doing great. Be nice to you.


The school guidance for the day-to-day is impossible, and it sets us all up to feel like failures. Do your own thing. You being you is what is needed right now.


Give your kids love and attention. Help them to redirect energy to positive things. Try to work in an educational thing or two. When you need to, turn on the TV and let them watch it while you close your eyes, drink some coffee, or step into another room for a moment of quiet.


But don’t pretend you are a super hero. Lose your patience, raise your voice, cry, ask for a hug… it’s all an opportunity to teach our young children what it means to be human.


You are all amazing, and you are doing great. Be nice to you.